Improve content quality with feedback

SharePoint can be configured as a knowledge base to provide access to articles, guides and manuals through documents and pages. Ensuring this information is seen by the right people and keeping content up to date can be a challenge. Let Compliance Tracker 365 help by targeting content to relevant people via subject or role and to allow readers to provide feedback and corrections to keep the quality of content constantly up to date.

Create terms

Define terms that identify content by topic, subject or audience. For example, Content Reviewers or Marketing, to ensure only members assigned to this term are able to provide feedback on the content.

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Assign people to terms

Use Active Directory groups, profile properties or named individuals to assign people to terms.

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Create content

Create your knowledge content, assign terms and add the Feedback tracker.

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Distribute knowledge content

Use My Reads or the PnP Search web parts and Compliance Tracker 365 PnP Search Extension to distribute content.

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Feedback on content

Content can be rated and corrections or improvements can quickly be fed back to the content owners as they are discovered.

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Feedback pending review reports

Reports containing the feedback can be reviewed and actioned by report reads.

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Make Compliance Tracker 365 work for you

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